403 Forbidden Error on Saving Pages/Partials in Backend Editor


I have installed OctoberCMS on my shared hosting server via the web installer. The installation process completed successfully, and I can access the backend dashboard without any issues. However, when I try to save a page layout, partial, or theme file using the backend Editor, I get the following behavior:

  • A popup appears displaying source code.
  • The Browser Console shows a 403 Forbidden error on a POST request to /superadmin/editor.

I have attached screenshots:

  1. The error popup with source code.
  2. Console log showing the failed request.

Here are the details:

  • CMS: OctoberCMS
  • Hosting: Shared Hosting
  • mod_rewrite: Enabled (confirmed by hosting provider)
  • .htaccess: Override rules are allowed.

Troubleshooting Steps So Far:

  • Confirmed mod_rewrite and .htaccess settings with the hosting provider.
  • The issue seems related to server-side restrictions blocking the POST request.


  1. Has anyone encountered this issue on shared hosting?
  2. Could this be caused by a server security rule like ModSecurity or firewall restrictions?
  3. Are there any specific backend configurations or hosting requirements to check?

Any guidance would be much appreciated.

Thank you!

It’s probably ModSecurity rules on cPanel: Cannot edit pages in backend · Issue #2133 · octobercms/october · GitHub