404 not found after migration

I migrated October CMS web site from one hosting to another.
Only index page works, other pages show 404 not found (Forbidden: url not found).
Php version is the same on both hostings.
Apache rewrite module is enabled.
Struggling with this for some days.
What maybe the problem?

Did you check the PHP version supported?

There may be multiple reasons;
Does your backend URL work? If so, do you have correct theme selected? Do you store your pages in the database or code? Does your index page have anything from the db?
Also, I’d advise checking .env file especially


It’s ‘detect’ by default which is causing issues quite often.

Issue has been resolved by:

  1. Enabled mod_rewrite module on apache;
  2. Added AllowOverride All on apache.

Thank you.
Maybe useful for someone.

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