Dear October Community, i followed the tutorial by Ivan to make a ajax frontend filter. But all i can find is with only one relation and other infos are directly from the Movies / Vehicles entry.
In my filter i try to use multiple relations like categories, manufacturers, locations etc…
i use a scopeListFrontEnd query with options in my Vehicle Model.
public function scopeListFrontEnd($query, $options = []){
'page' => 1,
'perPage' => 999,
'sort' => 'sort_order',
'manufacturers' => null,
'categories' => null,
'industries' => null,
'tonnagen' => null,
'locations' => null,
'rooffinishes' => null,
], $options));
* Manufacturers
if($manufacturers !== null ){
$manufacturers = [$manufacturers];
foreach ($manufacturers as $manufacturer){
$query->whereHas('manufacturers', function($q) use ($manufacturer){
$q->where('slug', '=', $manufacturer);
* Categories
if($categories !== null ){
$categories = [$categories];
foreach ($categories as $category){
$query->whereHas('categories', function($q) use ($category){
$q->where('slug', '=', $category);
* Tonnagen
if($tonnagen !== null ){
$tonnagen = [$tonnagen];
foreach ($tonnagen as $tonnage){
$query->whereHas('tonnagen', function($q) use ($tonnage){
$q->where('id', '=', $tonnage);
at the page i Preparevars and Update the form and Partial with the oc.request onchange functions.
function onStart() { $this->prepareVars(); }
function onFilterVehicles() { $this->prepareVars(); }
function prepareVars() {
$options = post('Filter', []);
$this['vehicles'] = Vehicle::listFrontEnd($options);
$this['manufacturers'] = Manufacturer::all();
$this['vehicletypes'] = VehicleType::all();
$this['tonnagen'] = Tonnage::all();
$this['categories'] = Category::all();
$this['locations'] = Location::all();
$this['rooffinishes'] = RoofFinish::all();
$this['industries'] = Branche::all();
$this['pages'] = $this['vehicles']->lastPage();
and the form looks like:
<form onchange="oc.request('#VehiclesFilter', 'onFilterVehicles', { update: { 'vehicles/vehicles': '#listVehicles' }})">
<div>Many code with dropdown fields that all are displaying the correct database entries of all relations.
<select class="" name="Filter[manufacturers][]">
<option value="">{{ 'Choose Manufacturer...'|_ }}</option>
{% for manufacturer in manufacturers %}
<option value="{{ manufacturer.slug }}">{{ manufacturer.title }}</option>
{% endfor %}
...more dropdowns etc. - NO SUBMIT button..
<div id="listVehicles">
{% partial 'vehicles/vehicles' %}
Actually the filter only works when all Dropdowns are selected but i want to filter step by step to reduce the results shown in the vehicle partial.
For example: When Manufacturer is Chosen all entries with the manufacturer should be displayed.
When only Tonnagen, Categories or Locations is selected all Tonnage or location entries should be displayed.
I think my mistake is in the Vehicle Model query or the prepareVars but cant figure out exactly where the problem is. I hope anyone can help me to get this filter work.
Best regards and thanks for all your hints and help.