ajaxPartial and components

Why does ajaxPartial functionality not work with components partials?


  1. I created my component, created /components/myComponent/default.htm:
{% ajaxPartial SELF ~ '::table' %}
  1. Next, i created /components/myComponent/table.htm:
    data-request="{{ SELF }}::onFetchItems"
    data-request-update="{ _self: true }"

And I get endless loop or errors over ‘_self’. Any ‘_self’ update of partial does not work. This can only work if I move component partial directory to /theme/default/partials directory.

Is it a bug or is there a way to properly update component partials?

Sounds like it could be a bug because everything looks fine here.

The workaround would be to use theme partials instead; they are equivalent.

Sam, thanks for your reply! Can you check this?