Backend 404 / Not found page

When I visit a page within the backend which does not exist, I get redirected to the frontend 404 page.

However, I would like to create a backend 404 page, where the menu is still shown. Alternatively, I could redirect to the dashboard oage and send an error message.

But I’m a bit lost on how to do this, so any help is welcome.

Thx a lot :slight_smile:

You could make the current back-end user available to the frontend when logged in. This would give you something to hook into.

Just need this code on the frontend’s code section:

$user = BackendAuth::getUser();

if ($user) {
title = "Page Not Found (404)"
url = "/404"
layout = "full-content"
function onStart()
$path = Request::path();
$backend = env('BACKEND_URI');
$backendClean = str_replace("/", "", $backend);
if (starts_with($path, $backendClean) && BackendAuth::getUser()) {
Flash::error("Page not found!");
return Cms::redirect($backend);
    <p>We're sorry, but the page you requested cannot be found.</p>

What do you think? I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to test for BackendAuth and the url this way… but it works.

Suggestions are welcome ^^

This could be another way;

in Plugin.php,

public function boot() {
    // Registering an event listener for ''
    Event::listen('', function ($controller, $url, $page) {
        // Check if the URL is '/404'
        if ($url == '/404') {
            // Create an instance of the Backend helper class
            $helper = new \Backend\Helpers\Backend;

            // Get the base URL of the backend area using the helper function
            $baseUrl = $helper->baseUrl();

            // Check if the current request URI contains the backend base URL
            if (str_contains($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], $baseUrl)) {
                // Redirect to the backend base URL if the current request URI contains it
                return \Redirect::to($baseUrl);

Definitly a lot better as a solution :smiley:

Thanks ^^