cssClass to make (custom) list cell small text?

I am trying to make a custom list cell’s text smaller (the below isn’t working), anyone have idea how can this be achieved?

Help much appreciated!

Hi @trader47,

You can use Bootstrap 5 classes for styling. To adjust the font size, you can use the fs-* class.

For example:

'referrer_id' => [
    'label' => 'Referrer',
    'type' => 'partial',
    'cssClass' => 'fs-3'

Alternatively, you can define your own custom classes and apply them in the same way.


OK, this will only work to make font sizes larger, since the smallest one (fs-6) is same as base font size (Text · Bootstrap v5.0 determines the fs-* sizes).

I managed to make it small by using in my column template:

<span style="font-size: 0.75rem">
        // output stuff

@daft what might be good is a ‘style’ column property here? List Columns - October CMS - 3.x

You could have created a class with “font-size: 0.75rem” and assign it to the column in cssClass

True but that involves creating whole new custom css for my backend. I just wanted to do it quickly :slight_smile: