Defining Columns in the List Area for Tailor Entries

Hey everyone. I’ve been struggling to figure out how to specify List Columns for entries in Tailor.

How do you customize the following area?

In the documentation for forms in v3.x, It says you have to define them, but I’m having trouble understanding the structure.

Hey @artistro08

To start, what would you like to customize about it?

What columns are shown by default
How the column data is displayed

Basic fields are displayed as columns by default, you can disable this with

column: false

The data is displayed depending on the type. The type definitions can be found in the docs under List Columns: Definitions - October CMS - 3.x

Okay that makes sense on the column: false part. Thank you

I’m having difficulty understanding how to customize the column.

Do I put column: then the definition types like a field? The documentation isn’t clear to me in that aspect

Yes, that’s right. And you’re right that the API and documentation can use more work in this area.

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For anyone else coming here, the v2 documentation has a better descriptive on how to use columns. Combine it with this info, and you can get things right.

And if you want to show/hide an available property of the Tailor\Models\EntryRecord, how would you do it?

Just add column: false to the field.

But I want to show the created_at field and hide the published_at field that are native attributes of all models “Tailor\Models\EntryRecord” and these fields are not defined in the yaml files. how can I do it ?

you can just specify the field directly in the yaml. But make sure you set the same validation there.

    column: false

There may be a better way tho.