Dependabot working with October repository

Hi guys

Has anyone had experience getting Dependabot, inside Github, working with the OctoberCMS repository?

I believe I’ve configured my credentials correctly inside Github, including creating a new October licence for this project to use, but I still receive an authentication failure error.

I did notice that on the setup guide (Configuration options for the dependabot.yml file - GitHub Docs) it mentions that “Private registries behind firewalls on private networks are not supported”, so that’s the only thing left I think could be causing an issue.

Is that the case? Is the octobercms registry behind a firewall?

Many thanks!

Hi @WeSayHowHigh

Use the php artisan project:set command to generate an auth.json file and then use the username and password found in that file. This unlocks the composer gateway for downloading packages. Obviously you must make sure these credentials are not public and do not leak.

I hope this helps!