Development Docker Image for October CMS

Introducing the October CMS Development Docker Image. The Image includes everything you need to explore the platform and start building a website instantly, without purchasing a license and configuring your development machine.

With the Development Docker Image, you can have a running October CMS container on your computer in just a few minutes. The image is based on the official PHP Docker Image and includes PHP 8, MySQL and Apache. The image can be used for the platform evaluation purposes and can be licensed and converted to a fully functional development environment.

To get started, visit the Development Docker Image page and follow the instructions for your operating system. Windows, macOS and Linux are all supported.

Alternatively, here is a video guide with step-by-step instructions.

Thanks for trying and using October CMS!


Version 3 is crazy fast in Docker! :rocket:


It sounds good but why do some people use Homestead Vagrant or Laravel Sail?
What does mean about working with Laravel Sail Docker by default?

  1. You can use one configuration for several servers and desktop developed station with git and fast deploy one site anyway with the command - “git pull”.
  2. Who uses several servers for example on AWS then Docker is not serious, only a full virtual machine with Vagrant
  3. MariaDB vs MySQL 8 is not better. MySQL today is better for the community and speed.

but Sail doesn’t work by default.

I think this way will be better in the future for simple projects.
About your documentation Sail doesn’t work well and crashes after deployment. Main idea Sail has to work with installed Docker and without installed Docker on production. →
It doesn’t work correctly after git pull anywhere!

therefore I had chosen Homestead for the job but I want to use sail for simple eCommerce and blog sites.

Best regards, thnx for this instruction but it is good only for the landing page or simple blog.

I mean you should do Laravel Sail instead of this Docker image. This Sail must work without Docker on the production server after git push, git pull…

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The docker image being used is super fast and works great, but I completely agree that utilizing Laravel Sail would be fantastic.

Considering that October’s image only comes with PHP, MySql, and Apache, that’s leaving a lot of Sail’s appeal on the table and make take a while to get everything to work smoothly.

Hopefully we can see this in a future update, I would use it for sure!

Just my 2 cents: I also like the laravel sail approach.

I am much more interested in template for a production docker image.

Still, thank you for this.