Dynamic relation lost when using ::class in attachOne and attachMany model

I have a model with attachOne relation

class Person extends Model
public $attachOne = [
        'avatar' => \System\Models\File::class

In the componen, I get the Person model

 public function getPerson()
        $person = Person::where('slug', $this->slug)->first();
        return $person;

I got all the Person information, except the related model avatar.
{{ person.avatar }} returns null

I found that if I don’t use ::class in the model it works fine

class Person extends Model
public $attachOne = [
        'avatar' => '\System\Models\File'

{{ person.avatar }} returns all the avatar information (path, name_disk… etc)

Why is that?

And, It happens only for attaching files to the model. If I use ::class with my own models It works fine

class Person extends Model
public $attachOne = [
        'School' => \Author\Plugin\Models\School::class

In both cases, the backend works fine. The issue is only when I’m trying to access the related model in php or twig section

Additional information:
If I use ::class in the attachOne relation, I need to get the person with specific relation

 public function getPerson()
        $person = Person::with('avatar)->where('slug', $this->slug)->first();
        return $person;

but that is not the idea. The attach relation should be dynamic, just like when I don’t use ::class

Thanks for your help!
I’m using October v3

Hi @sanPuerquitoPrograma

This is interesting because there is no obvious reason why this would happen… what about as a string without the leading slash, like so:

class Person extends Model
    public $attachOne = [
        'avatar' => 'System\Models\File'

Does this work or not work?