Extending Exisitng Jsonable Property

A plugin have the following

public $jsonable = [

I would to add another field to this but failing. I tried

Gallery::extend(function($model) {
    $model->addDynamicProperty('jsonable', 'fields_object');

How can i achieve this?

Thank alot

Hi @ibrarartisan ,

I think it’s because it’s a protected variable.

Try this:

     * boot method, called right before the request route.
    public function boot()

        Gallery::extend(function($model) {
             // Use reflection to access the protected jsonable property
            $reflector = new \ReflectionClass($model);
            $property = $reflector->getProperty('jsonable');
            // Make the property accessible

            // Get the current value of the jsonable property
            $currentJsonable = $property->getValue($model);

            // Ensure 'fields_object' is added to the jsonable array
            if (!in_array('fields_object', $currentJsonable)) {
                $currentJsonable[] = 'fields_object';

            // Set the modified value back to the jsonable property
            $property->setValue($model, $currentJsonable);
            // Optionally, set the property back to its original accessibility state
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@apinard Thanks alot. works like a charm.

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