Folder created in media have not the good permission


when i create a folder in the media menu (back-office of Octobercms 3.0.67). The folder have these persmissions, 700.

So when i want to display images that are in these folders in front-office, the system give me an error 403 or those files.

The default masks in my .env file are :


It is seems to be the right permissions, but they are not apply to the folders.

How can i change that ? (obviously, if i change manually the permissions to 755 on the folder, everything is ok)

My website is hosting in a VPS on infomaniak, if it can help.


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Hi @Awak-Studio

We are aware of this issue but have not been able to reproduce it. Please contact email support so we can investigate it further and hopefully find the solution: Contact Us - October CMS

Hi daftspunky! We have the same issue on every October 3 instalation.
All folders, even created automatically (like storage/app/resources/resize) - all 0700

  • Ubuntu Linux 20.04.4, Apache version 2.4.41, php 8.0.22, MySQL version 8.0.30-0

It happens to all folders created AFTER installation of October CMS. Folders created during the installation are 0755

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This issue should be resolved from v3.0.74 onwards. Thanks!

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After update: no change. Is it necesarry complete reinstall of October?

One more thing may be necessary for folders to get their permissions. Open the file config/filesystems.php and add this to the local driver

'visibility' => 'public',

For example:

'local' => [
    'driver' => 'local',
    'root' => storage_path('app'),
    'url' => '/storage/app',
    'visibility' => 'public',

Hopefully it helps

:+1: It works!
Thank you

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