Head Start on setting up a Coorp Site using OctoberCMS

I need to revamp a company website which is currently in WordPress.
Given the new design (in HTML), how do I go about creating the site in OctoberCMS ?

I am not looking for an installation tutorial but one on how and where to edit files in OctoberCMS structure.

Hi @anjanesh ,

Take a look at the demo theme inside your themes/demo folder. During the installation of OctoberCMS, it usually ask for it. In case your refuse it, you can get it here october/themes/demo at 3.x · octobercms/october · GitHub

Basically, set a layout, your partials (header, footer etc) and finish with your pages.

Depending on the used theme on another platform OctoberCMS is really convenient to “move” to, since everything is template based. There is a layout template, pages and partials.

A OctoberCMS theme is usually structured like this:

├── themes
|   └── website  ← Theme Starts Here
|       ├── pages
|       │   └── index.htm
|       ├── layouts
|       │   └── default.htm
|       ├── partials
|       │   └── sidebar.htm
|       ├── content
|       │   └── footer-contacts.md
|       └── assets
|           ├── css
|           |   └── my-styles.css
|           ├── js
|           └── images 

As seen here:

Everything is Twig based in OctoberCMS from the start, so all that needs to be done is to transfer the assets and adjust the WP PHP outputs to Twig outputs.

I usually go with this theme to start:

Something else which is important to know:

If you’re working with an OctoberCMS plugin and you want to adjust the plugin templates, you can simply copy/paste the component templates into your theme partials and work on the markup there.

Let’s say you want to adjust the:


plugin template. For that you copy:


and put it into:


I’m not 100% sure if all the paths are right, I mentioned. Tell me if not, so I can correct it.

Thanks for your replies apinard and maki3000 - I’ll go through the structure for sure.

Right now what I want to do is to buy a HTML template off themeforest and paste it into an blank October CMS theme.

Right now what I want to do is to buy a HTML template off themeforest and paste it into an blank October CMS theme.

This is not how it works… :wink: or how u think it will work. I created multiple themes from plain HTML from themeforest in my carreer…

First of all… Extract main structure from template (headers meta, etc…) and create a first layout, for example - default.htm … it may contain default html opennig tags…

Then, put inside some global partials like meta for social media, parts that is still same (header, footer) … etc.

<title>{{ this.page.title }}</title>
{% partial 'global/seo' %}
{% styles %}
<div class="wrapper">
{% partial 'global/header' %}
{% page %}
{% partial 'global/footer' %}
{% framework extras %}
{% scripts %}

(this may be your first layout…)
… etc etc…