my theme is stuck at v1.0.3 while i published new version and now is at 1.0.11.
How do we update and deploy a new version of a theme?
my theme is stuck at v1.0.3 while i published new version and now is at 1.0.11.
How do we update and deploy a new version of a theme?
like plugins, themes has composer.json specification too
see vanilla-theme/composer.json at master · rainlab/vanilla-theme · GitHub
thanks, i have that compose.json already,
still not working for plugin on my side, neither using the backend nor composer.
and same for my theme, it does not update through composer even though I push a new tag on gh.
here is my composer.json
"require": {
"php": "^8.0.2",
"october/rain": "^3.5",
"laravel/framework": "^9.0",
"october/all": "^3.5",
"rainlab/user-plugin": "^3.0",
"inherent/campus-plugin": "^1.2.0",
"inherent/ecourses-theme": "^1.0",
"rainlab/pages-plugin": "^2.0",
"rainlab/builder-plugin": "^2.0",
"romanov/clearcachewidget-plugin": "^1.3",
"hashids/hashids": "^4.1",
"php-ffmpeg/php-ffmpeg": "^1.1",
"rainlab/deploy-plugin": "^2.2",
"samuell/cdn-plugin": "^1.0"
"repositories": {
"octobercms": {
"type": "composer",
"url": "",
"only": ["october/*", "*-plugin", "*-theme"]
"inherent/campus-plugin": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"inherent/ecourses-theme": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
should I put this instead ?
"inherent/campus-plugin": "*",
"inherent/ecourses-theme": "*",
still unable to update any of my private plugin and theme on this project.
no more lead to investigate what’s wrong as there is no error happening.
the update process just ignored the new versions for plugin and theme
what exactly it returns as exception? or error?
no exception, no error, the update just doesnt occur
Could you try to req the plugin in another installation? Imho composer just fails silently if anything is wrong with the access to private repositories, e. g. if your token expired or the SSH connection fails if the host is unknown.
If that works, try to explicitly request the latest version: composer req inherent/campus-plugin:1.2.0
Sometimes you get a clearer error message, especially if composer just feels like skipping the version because of platform or any other constraint.