How to call a component's logic from within (a different) plugin's controller method?

I’m using rainlab blog plugin and would like to use the plugins/rainlab/blog/components/Posts.php component logic within my own plugin’s API controller

In my plugin:

namespace MyPlugin\Api\Controllers;

class BlogAPIController extends Controller
    public function getPostList(): JsonResponse
    	// use to load blog posts - howto?
         // can we extend the rainlab Posts component and add a method getPosts() to return
    	// the posts list (and use it here)?

Any help much appreciated, can’t seem to find this on google

I think you could do this…

use RainLab\Blog\Components\Posts;

class BlogAPIControler extends Controller
    public function getPostList(): JsonResponse
        $postsComponent = new Posts;

        // You may have to set some properties on the component here

        $posts = $postsComponent->listPosts();

However you might be better off using the listFrontEnd() scope that’s on the Post model instead.

use RainLab\Blog\Models\Post;

class BlogAPIControler extends Controller
    public function getPostList(): JsonResponse

         * Define your options array for the scope
        $options = [
            'page' => '',
            'perPage' => '',
            'sort' => '',
            'categories' => '',
            'exceptCategories' => '',
            'category' => '',
            'search' => '',
            'published' => '',
            'exceptPos' => '',

        $posts = Post::listFrontEnd($options)->get();

See it on github here

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Very cool (this scope thing is new to me! I can call Post::listFrontEnd even though the method isn’t called that :slight_smile: ). Thanks @ncarps, seems to be working great