How to correctly create an artisan command with deploy console

I try to register my commands with the deploy plugin console. How do I do this correctly.

Following calls get errors:

Artisan::call('create:command Maki3000.News get:news');
echo Artisan::output(); // e[37;41m COMMAND NOT FOUND e[39;49m The command "create:command" does not exist.

Artisan::create('Maki3000.News get:news');
echo Artisan::output(); // Call to undefined method October\Rain\Foundation\Console\Kernel::create()

Artisan::add(new Maki3000\News\Console\GetNews);
echo Artisan::output(); // Call to undefined method October\Rain\Foundation\Console\Kernel::add()

echo Artisan::output(); // Call to undefined method October\Rain\Foundation\Console\Kernel::resolve()

It seems that by deploying my console commands to a shared hosting, they are already registered. When I:

echo Artisan::output();

… the command seems to run.

I guess, there is something wrong with the server cron jobs.

Call to undefined method October\Rain\Foundation\Console\Kernel::create()
Call to undefined method October\Rain\Foundation\Console\Kernel::add()
Call to undefined method October\Rain\Foundation\Console\Kernel::resolve()

I’m unsure why these errors are happening, they shouldn’t. Perhaps something is up with your environment (missing files?)