Hello, I’ve been tryin to figure out why my image file upload isn’t working and its been taking me forever. Maybe one of you guys will be able to help me. When I upload images from the backend everything’s fine.
Form snippet:
<form class="form" data-request="onCreateAuction" data-request-update="'auction/form': '#auction-create'" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="images">Upload Item Image</label>
<input type="file" class="form-control-file {% if errors.getBag('auction').has('images') %}is-invalid{% endif %}" id="images" name="images">
{% if errors.getBag('auction').has('images') %}
<div class="invalid-feedback d-block">{{errors.getBag('auction').first('images')}}</div>
{% endif %}
In my Model I have:
public $attachMany = [
'images' => \System\Models\File::class
In my component function onCreateAuction() after all validation this is how i try to save images:
try {
$data = \Input::post();
$auction = new Auction;
$auction->name = $data['name'];
$images = \Input::file('images');
if ($images) {
$auction->images()->create(['data' => $images]);
return \Redirect::to('/');
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
$this->page['errors']->getBag('auction')->add("general", $ex->getMessage());
$this->page['data'] = \Input::post();
I never get any errors. Everytime I create a new Auction with an image uploaded it is successful, but the image never gets uploaded since I don’t see it being displayed nor in the back-end nor in the front.
Thank you.