Importing multiple images in a repeater field in CSV

I’m trying to import records from CSV in a Tailor blueprint and I can’t seem to figure out how to format the input for a list of images, stored in a repeater field.

I tried to export said list and it appears as a list of paths separated by a vertical bar “|” (pipe) character but when I try to import a CSV with this format, it just ends up as a string.

For example, say in the database, I have an entry with a gallery column that show up like this:

When I export that column in a CSV file from the backend interface and open the resulting file, the column shows up like this:

So I create a new CSV file from a Google Sheet, for example, gathering my data as I want, and export it to CSV making sure the column follows the previous format, but when I try to import that file into my blueprint, I get the following in the database instead:

How can I import an array column from a CSV file?

I found this unanswered post, while searching for a solution for a similar problem.
Sorry, but the CSV import functionality has several limitations and bugs. I don’t think that there are plans to address those issues any time soon.
In the meantime, the only option is to generate a JSON file, given that the import process works fine for that format. It involves several intermediate steps for those that are migrating data from legacy systems.

Thanks @jeraso for the reply,
I found out that JSON is more reliable, but as you mentioned, not without its own quirks.
I ended up importing the CSV and then run an SQL UPDATE to fix the problem right in the table. Not ideal of course, but it worked.