Installing Kyon147/laravel-shopify package

I added auth.php to the config folder to git rid of initial errors, but then I came to this error.

If I install as a plugin dependency I see this after adding the middleware:

<?php namespace Baberuth22\Shopify;

use System\Classes\PluginBase;
use Osiset\ShopifyApp\Http\Middleware\VerifyShopify;
use Cms\Classes\CmsController;
 * Plugin class
class Plugin extends PluginBase
     * register method, called when the plugin is first registered.
    public function register()


     * boot method, called right before the request route.
    public function boot()
        // register the shopify middleware
        // $this->app['router']->aliasMiddleware('verify.shopify', VerifyShopify::class);
        CmsController::extend(function($controller) {

Hey @baberuth22

We just updated the RainLab.User plugin to v3 that should have better support with Laravel’s authentication system.

The error suggests something is being resolved without the $app parameter being passed. The full stack trace is needed to understand where this is being requested.