Is there a way to keep working on OC v1, OC v2, and OC v3 projects on local dev?

I have legacy projects in OC v1 for some clients, some on OC v2 and I would like to start exploring OC v3. However, my local env dev is still using php 7.4.9.
Any recommendations on how to keep a dev env allowing you to work with all these projects?

Depends on your local OS, Laragon works wonders switching environments in Windows.

currently on Mac OS M1 chip, using Laravel Valet. Dont think it can handle env switching though.
Apparently the new Valet 3.0 allows multiple php version.

It looks like it does: Laravel Valet 3 Released With Multi-Version PHP Support | Laravel News


We use Lando, which is a wrapper around Docker Compose.

Getting a working dev environment runnig just needs this .lando.yml in your project:

name: october-dev
recipe: lamp

    webroot: .
    php: "8.1"

After that, you can run lando start which starts all containers.

You can also add additional configuration to configure PHP versions, MySQL ports and such.


I use laradock for local development, where each project has dedicated containers.
I currently have local environments for OC v1 and OC v2

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