Issue with nestedform when added dynamically


I’m writing a plugin that add settings to the \Rainlab\User plugin.

I created my model, added a simple text field to it actually :

        label: Primary color
        type: colorpicker
        availableColors: ['#2980b9', '#c0392b', '#16a085', '#7f8c8d', '#8e44ad', '#e67e22']

Now I want to add that form to my \Rainlab\User model. When I do that by hardcoding rainlab/user/models/user/fields.yaml directly, it works perfectly.

    label: rainlab.user::lang.user.last_ip_address
    span: auto
    disabled: true
    tab: rainlab.user::lang.user.account
    context: preview

    label: Settings
    type: nestedform
    form: '$/publipresse/giftcards/models/setting/fields.yaml'

But if I try to do it by extending the user backend form in my own plugin like this :

Event::listen('backend.form.extendFields', function($form) {
    if (!$form->getController() instanceof \Rainlab\User\Controllers\Users || !$form->getModel() instanceof \Rainlab\User\Models\User) {

        'settings' => [
            'label' => 'Settings',
            'tab' => 'Settings',
            'type' => 'nestedform',
            'form' => '$/publipresse/giftcards/models/setting/fields.yaml',

The form loads indefinitely and ends up displaying a max execution time error.

If I change the field type to “text” like that :

Event::listen('backend.form.extendFields', function($form) {
    if (!$form->getController() instanceof \Rainlab\User\Controllers\Users || !$form->getModel() instanceof \Rainlab\User\Models\User) {

        'settings' => [
            'label' => 'Settings',
            'tab' => 'Settings',
            'type' => 'text',
            'form' => '$/publipresse/giftcards/models/setting/fields.yaml',

It works and I can see my textfield added to my user backend form. The problem seems to be related to the nestedform field type, only when added using the extendFields event.

Did I miss something or it’s a real issue with nestedform ?

Thank you

I found the solution, post here as it can interest some people facing the same issue.

The problem came from that I didn’t define the relation between my user and my settings yet. It seems that, when nestedform hardcoded to the rainlab/user/models/fields.yaml file, it can deal with it, whereas when defined in the event, the relation is required in order to work.


Glad you got it solved. Not sure why there is a difference in the extension method. A closer look at the code might be needed, especially since there is an infinite loop happening.