Mimes Type Validation not working as expected

I created an image upload api and perform some validations on the uploaded file.

To ensure security, I also asked a white hat to test it out and he send me a testfile which is clearly not an image but still could be uploaded.

I dont really understand why, cause the UploadedFile is clearly showing a different mimeType, so I thought it’s best to ask if this is a bug:

        $request = request()->all();

        if (!array_key_exists("file", $request))
            return response()->json(['message' => 'No file was uploaded.'], 400);

        $validator = Validator::make(
            ['file' => ['required', 'image', 'mimes:jpeg,png,jpg,gif,webp', 'max:1024']]

        if ($validator->fails()) {
            return response()->json(['message' => $validator->errors()->first()], 422);

The Uploaded File Object:’

[2025-02-24 15:37:06] local.INFO: Array
    [file] => Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile Object
            [test:Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile:private] => 
            [originalName:Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile:private] => test.html
            [mimeType:Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile:private] => text/html
            [error:Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile:private] => 0
            [hashName:protected] => 
            [pathName:SplFileInfo:private] => .......\Temp\php8B27.tmp
            [fileName:SplFileInfo:private] => php8B27.tmp


Here’s the testfile as well, saved as a zip:

Also also: The file size check also does not seem to work on this file. If I recurd the size to 1, it still passes.

Let me know if I did anything wrong, missed something or if this is indeed a bug.

Thx ^^

I think ‘image’ allows SVG to pass through. They fixed this recently in Laravel 12.