Mp4 video in the richeditor

When I insert an image or an audio file in the richeditor, it is rendered ok in the front page.
When I insert a video, the front renders this with a figure html tag.
Any simple way around this from your experiences?

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Yes, you can create your own partials for that, check out the Media Manager docs:

But this still might be a bug or something.

I have the same problem when I add a video from the media library:


On the frontend I only see this:
<figure class="" data-label="mywideo.mp4" data-video=".../mywideo.mp4">&nbsp;</figure>

A fix for this has been included in v3.6.19


I think you should following these steps

Check the Editor’s Source Code View:
Custom CSS/JavaScript:
Template Adjustment:
Editor Settings:


I just found this bug and I’m using 3.6.26, can you check it again please?

Hi @Maria_UtopigStudio

We tested this and it appears to be working normally. Could you provide some more details on the steps you are taking so we can reproduce it?

Best regards

I have a project with version 3.6.29 (just updated yesterday with composer update)
I have a model with a simple richeditor field:

        tab: utopigs.newspig::lang.tabs.general
        label: utopigs.newspig::lang.fields.body_text
        type: richeditor
        size: giant

I insert a video using the “Browse media library” option and it appears like this in the back:

And like this in the front:

I’m not sure but the video shouldn’t be inside a <video></video> tag ?

looks like missing |content to be parsed