Multi-select in dropdown (in components)

How to specify in the properties of the component that the drop-down list should be with a multi-select?

    public function defineProperties()
        return [
          'doctorslistrender' => [
              'title' => 'title',
              'description' => 'title',
              'default' => '',
          'multiple'=> true,// not working
              'type' => 'dropdown',

The documentation says:

Currently supported types are string , checkbox , dropdown and set .

I think, you could use a set:

public function defineProperties()
        return [
            'doctorslistrender' => [
                'title' => 'Doctors',
                'description' => 'Famous TV doctors :)',
                'default' => '',
                'type' => 'set',

    public function getDoctorslistrenderOptions()
        return [
            'mcCoy' => 'Dr. Leonard \'Bones\' McCoy',
            'dorian' => 'J.D. Dorian',
            'house' => 'Greg House'

It works. Thank you.

But there is one problem with populating getDoctorslistrenderOptions.

it works:

  public function getDoctorslistrenderOptions()
    $list_doctors = Doctor::get()->sortBy('last_name');
    $list_slug_component['none'] = 'No';

    foreach ($list_doctors as $value) {
      $list_slug_component += ["$value[slug]" => $value['full_name']];
    return $list_slug_component;

‘slug’ field in database:

this does not work:

  public function getDoctorslistrenderOptions()
    $list_doctors = Doctor::get()->sortBy('last_name');
    $list_slug_component['none'] = 'No';

    foreach ($list_doctors as $value) {
      $list_slug_component += ["$value[id]" => $value['full_name']];
    return $list_slug_component;

‘id’ field in databases

i think the problem is in the datatype of the ‘id’ field.
How can I konvert “$value[id]” to a string type?

If guess, that would be following:

foreach ($list_doctors as $key => $value) {
      $list_slug_component += [$key => $value['full_name']];

Does not work. It seems to me that this cannot work correctly, $key => $value will write to $key the number after sorting, and I need id

Could you please:


and show me the contents. Maybe then I’m able to help.

I can’t get dump in getDoctorslistrenderOptions() function,
so i added the code to the onRender() function

and this is what i got

  public function onRender(){

    $list_doctors = Doctor::active()->get()->sortBy('last_name');
    $list_slug_component['none'] = Lang::get('konvertagency.landing::lang.interface.none');

    foreach ($list_doctors as $value) {
      $list_slug_component += ["$value[id]" => $value['last_name']];

    dd($list_slug_component, $list_doctors);

i tried to simplify the collection

$list_doctors = Doctor::active()->get()->sortBy('last_name')->toArray();

but for getDoctorslistrenderOptions() it doesn’t work either - .

trying to change the syntax didn’t work

$list_slug_component += [$value['id'] => $value['last_name']];

Hey point111,
I just tried it out and it seems that, key and value should be both a string (I don’t know if that is a bug?).

So you may try following:

foreach ($list_doctors as $key => $value) {
      $list_slug_component += [$value['slug'] => $value['full_name']];

Does this work?

Yes, it works (as amended - foreach ($list_doctors as $value) ), I wrote in post #3. I can’t convert a number to a string in [$value[‘id’].

"$value[id]" - does not work
(string) $value['id'] - does not work
'id'.$value['id'] - works, but parasitic characters are added to the id, in the future these characters should be removed.

Here is the complete solution:

  public function defineProperties()
    return [
        'doctorslistrender' => [
            'title' => 'Doctors',
            'description' => 'Famous TV doctors :)',
            'type' => 'set',
            'default' => 'none'


  public function getDoctorslistrenderOptions()
    $list_doctors = Doctor::get()->sortBy('last_name');
    $list_slug_component['none'] = 'none';

    foreach ($list_doctors as $value) {
      $list_slug_component += ['id'.$value['id'] => $value['last_name']];
    return $list_slug_component;

  public $listrender;

  public function onRender(){

    $doctorslistrender = $this->property('doctorslistrender');
    $list = [];
    foreach ($doctorslistrender as  $value){
      array_push ($list, str_replace('id','',$value));

    $this->listrender = Doctor::whereIn('id', $list)->get()->sortBy(fn($item) => array_search($item->getKey('id'), $list))->toArray();//send to twig

I do not like this solution, adding parasitic characters and then removing (str_replace('id','',$value) them is extra steps. But it works.