Multisite group

I’m planning to use the multisite group features to host 3 websites (subdomains) with their 3 languages.

Now, i need the 3 websites to share the data manage by my plugin.
website 1 is like a marketing website
website 2 would be the the backend for some user role 1
website 3 would be the frontend for some user role 2

the 3 websites need to display data from the plugin.

In the documentation, it is mentioned that the data won’t be replicated (synced) accros other site groups.

How could I circumvent that ?

not sure, but… how data is processed on plugin is on your own logic, right? then you are using models to access tables and stored data, not october.

other way is when you use tailor to create models, etc. then you need to set multisite: true in tailor yaml for data, when is set-up as multisite, then data will be synced between sites.

this topic is related to Tailor multisite:sync to multisite:true - #5 by jan-vince where is fixed syncing between multisites.

thanks @snipi for giving your thoughts.
Actually, i dont need to sync the data, that would be useless in my case.

Since iam not using the multisync thing, I wonder if, by nature, those data handled by regular model and plugin, are available accross all the multisite…i would have to try I guess

yup, it will be, because there are no “site_id” in model that reffers to multisite

alright so that would work in that case.

now, it’s possible that I’d need to localized the plugin data and I would be in the following situation

3 site groups (holding application context) with each 3 or 4 sites (holding languages)

  1. Can we allow the plugin to be available only in one of the site group ? (backend)
  2. How can we make the plugin data available for all the site inside the theme ? (frontend)