
Hi folks,
I was looking the above theme(default).
Not found any licence on the root folder. Something seems written on README file:

Demo Theme
October CMS demo theme that demonstrates the basic core functionality and utilizes the accompanying demo plugin. It is a great theme to copy when building a site from scratch.

The theme acts as a reference implementation for default component markup when distributing plugins.

  1. Can use it, modify, etc…?

This theme is based on bootstrap, I see version 5.3.x (currently the last).
I’m trying to do some experiments…
Copied these files from the Demo project to an external:

  • package.json
  • webpack.config.js
  • webpack.mix.js

Then run:
npm install
npm run prod
I got these errors:

npm run production

mix --production

:heavy_multiplication_x: Mix
Compiled with some errors in 197.78ms

ERROR in /assets/vendor/bootstrap/bootstrap.min
Module not found: Error: Can’t resolve ‘/home/claudio/temp/sl-base/assets/vendor/bootstrap/bootstrap.js’ in ‘/home/claudio/temp/sl-base’
Did you miss the leading dot in ‘resolve.extensions’? Did you mean ‘[“.“,”.wasm",“.mjs”,“.js”,“.jsx”,“.json”]’ instead of '["”,“.wasm”,“.mjs”,“.js”,“.jsx”,“.json”]’?

ERROR in /assets/vendor/codeblocks/codeblocks.min
Module not found: Error: Can’t resolve ‘/home/claudio/temp/sl-base/assets/vendor/bootstrap-icons/bootstrap-icons.scss’ in ‘/home/claudio/temp/sl-base’
Did you miss the leading dot in ‘resolve.extensions’? Did you mean ‘[“.“,”.wasm",“.mjs”,“.js”,“.jsx”,“.json”]’ instead of '["”,“.wasm”,“.mjs”,“.js”,“.jsx”,“.json”]’?

ERROR in /assets/vendor/codeblocks/codeblocks.min
Module not found: Error: Can’t resolve ‘/home/claudio/temp/sl-base/assets/vendor/bootstrap/bootstrap.scss’ in ‘/home/claudio/temp/sl-base’
Did you miss the leading dot in ‘resolve.extensions’? Did you mean ‘[“.“,”.wasm",“.mjs”,“.js”,“.jsx”,“.json”]’ instead of '["”,“.wasm”,“.mjs”,“.js”,“.jsx”,“.json”]’?

ERROR in /assets/vendor/codeblocks/codeblocks.min
Module not found: Error: Can’t resolve ‘/home/claudio/temp/sl-base/assets/vendor/codeblocks/codeblocks.js’ in ‘/home/claudio/temp/sl-base’
Did you miss the leading dot in ‘resolve.extensions’? Did you mean ‘[“.“,”.wasm",“.mjs”,“.js”,“.jsx”,“.json”]’ instead of '["”,“.wasm”,“.mjs”,“.js”,“.jsx”,“.json”]’?

webpack compiled with 4 errors

  1. Can you give me an help to run it correctly?

Thank you

Hey @lonejack

The “demo theme” included with a new installation is purpose-built for you to use in your projects. So you can use it and modify it freely. Eventually, we will move this theme to its own repo and clarify this further.

The npm is failing since it is looking for a missing file. Be sure to review the webpack.mix.js file to see the files used in the build. You may need to comment out the assets that were not copied in to your external.

I hope this helps.

Hi @daft, my mistake. Now I see this:

Let me say that is a good idea to put this in a separate repo.
This theme is really a good starting point!

Before to close this post, about bootstrap, the file:
contains some imports disabled:
@import “bootstrap/scss/transitions”;
// @import “bootstrap/scss/dropdown”;
// @import “bootstrap/scss/button-group”;
// @import “bootstrap/scss/input-group”; // Requires forms
// @import “bootstrap/scss/custom-forms”;
// @import “bootstrap/scss/nav”;
// @import “bootstrap/scss/navbar”; // Requires nav
// @import “bootstrap/scss/card”;
// @import “bootstrap/scss/breadcrumb”;
// @import “bootstrap/scss/pagination”;

Are there any contraindications to enable these?
Thank you

This is a bootstrap pattern that lets you enable or disable desired functionality, so it should be safe to do either.