October.form.js, issue with fields.yaml when 2 type:relation ManyToMany disabled


I faced a problem and I think there is something that need to be fixed in october.form.js.

Version October : v2.2.34

I have a model Pool with :

public $belongsToMany = [
        'dealers' => [Dealer::class, 'table' => 'larnet_osm_pools_dealers'],
        'users' => [User::class, 'table' => 'larnet_osm_pools_backend_users'],

Then, in my fields.yaml :

        label: 'larnet.osm::lang.backend.pool.form.dealers'
        type: relation
        disabled: true
        label: 'larnet.osm::lang.backend.pool.form.users'
        type: relation  

The issue is when I put disabled: true in the definition of the field dealers, it will disable the field users as well.

In modules/backend/widgets/form/assets/js/october.form.js, line 68+ :

     * Logic for checkboxlist
    FormWidget.prototype.toggleCheckboxlist = function() {
        var $field = $('.field-checkboxlist', this.$el),
            isDisabled = $field.hasClass('control-disabled');

        $('input[type=checkbox]', $field).prop('disabled', isDisabled);

I think the problem is because it will find the class ‘control-disabled’ of ‘dealers’ and disable all input, including ‘users’ even if it’s not disabled.

Changed to this :

     * Logic for checkboxlist
    FormWidget.prototype.toggleCheckboxlist = function() {
        var $field = $('.field-checkboxlist', this.$el),
            isDisabled = $field.hasClass('control-disabled');

        $('.field-checkboxlist.control-disabled input[type=checkbox]').prop('disabled', isDisabled);
        //Original below, it will disable all checkbox
        //$('input[type=checkbox]', $field).prop('disabled', isDisabled);

And now, it will disable only the input under the right container that is disabled, in this case, ‘dealers’

Hi @apinard

We will need to reproduce this in the test plugin to confirm it, then add the fix: