Og Docker image + Free License Key + Update => broken error code 500

Hi guys,

wanted to start with octobercms just now.
Followed the instructions, downloaded the provided bash script for docker, started it up
=> octobercms working. Entered the free license key, then clicked on update and after some time it displays an update error. Afterwards the page is not reachable anymore (500).

No customization, no additonal commands, just plain old step by step as per instruction.

Maybe one of the devs can take a look and confirm.


Hi @mydani,

Could you share the error you’re encountering? You should be able to find details in the system.log file located in storage/logs/system.log.

Updating package manager…
Updating application files…

Update Failed

General Error. Status code: 500

The octobercms-files/storage/logs folder is empty besides a .gitignore.

Btw. I just now replicated it starting from scratch in less than 2 minutes, and it is consistent.


Confirmed: I can reproduce this as well. We are currently investigating a fix…

This should be fixed now if you pull the image again

docker pull octobercms/october-dev