Opening a simple media url when using multisite

I am trying to open a simple url that will display a mp4 video.
So i have an anchor link such as <a href="https://domain.tld/storage/app/media/videos/myvideo.mp4">open</a>
and it is automatically redirected to the url https://domain.tld/en/storage/app/media/videos/myvideo.mp4 which creates a 404 page not found error since the video is no there in the site en but simply is inside the storage.

any idea on how to circumvent this behavior for media link ?

Hi @chris,

The |media filter works as expected, even when switching from French (set as the primary site without a CMS route prefix) to English (which has the /en CMS route prefix) in a local installation. Here’s an example:


<a href="{{ 'SampleVideo_1280x720_1mb.mp4'|media }}" target="_blank">Open</a>

Im not using the media filter,
The url is a pure text which I input inside a field type: pagefinder. and then renders using | link