Possible bug in taglist form widget

Hi @daft There is a possible bug in taglist form widget’s preview mode since v3.6.26 . I see there was significant changes. My filed definisition:

      label: Services
      type: taglist
      mode: array
      useKey: true
      customTags: false
      placeholder: Válassz szolgáltatásokat
      optionsMethod: BrightStaff\BrightGage\Helpers\FieldHelper::servicesOptions
      span: auto

servicesOptions method returns:

        return [
            1 => 'kalibrálás',
            2 => 'kereskedelem',
            3 => 'szerviz'

Services stored as json in the db and added to the jsonable Model property. In preview mode I get this error:

str_starts_with(): Argument #1 ($haystack) must be of type string, October\Rain\Element\OptionDefinition given

~/vendor/october/rain/src/Translation/Translator.php line 98

I don’t know exactly what is going on but if I modify _taglist.php like this:


$previewOptions = $this->getPreviewOptions($selectedValues, $fieldOptions);


`$previewOptions = $this->getPreviewOptions($selectedValues, $flatOptions);`

$fieldOptions are declared in the TagList Class and passed to the view and than redeclered here.

Any suggestion? Thanks in advance.

Hey @danielbidala

I made a test for this here: Testing taglist in preview mode · octobercms/test-plugin@4e0dd90 · GitHub

Unfortunately, I can’t reproduce it…

  1. Navigate to Playground → Trees
  2. Edit any Channel from the list
  3. Add a tag to the Services field
  4. Click Save
  5. Replace “update” with “preview” in the browser URL
  6. The Services field renders without any errors

Perhaps check that you are running the latest code base, including the october/rain library.

Hi @daft and many thanks for your investigation. I get the same error message with test plugin. My October version is 3.7.4 currently but I tried with dev-develop too. I spent a day with this issue without any luck. Below is my stack trace (sorry, it’s a bit long).

I have absolutly no idea what is happening but as I mentioned in my original post, with the change of that one variable in _taglist.php everything is working fine.

We're sorry, but an unhandled error occurred. Please see the details below.

str_starts_with(): Argument #1 ($haystack) must be of type string, October\Rain\Element\OptionDefinition given

~/vendor/october/rain/src/Translation/Translator.php line 98

* ### Type

* ### Exception














104 `/**`

` ` `* getValidationSpecific checks the system namespace by default for "validation" keys`

` ` `*/`

`protected function getValidationSpecific($key, $replace, $locale)`


`    ` `if (`

`        ` `str_starts_with($key, 'validation.') &&`

`        ` `!str_starts_with($key, 'validation.custom.') &&`

`        ` `!str_starts_with($key, 'validation.attributes.')`

`    ` `) {`

`        ` `$nativeKey = 'system::'.$key;`

`        ` `$line = $this->get($nativeKey, $replace, $locale);`

`        ` `if ($line !== $nativeKey) {`

### Stack Trace

|#|Called Code|Document|Line|
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

I tried on production server, just in case it’s a different codebase or an apache, php or sql issue. I get the same error.

Check OctoberCMS v3.7.5: "displayMode: taglist" problem with multisite · Issue #5826 · octobercms/october · GitHub