Hi community,
I want share with you my shell script for mac, which save me some time creating a project, maybe someone find it usefull.
WARNING: Its not a pretty code, its shitcode, but you can inspire yourself:
What is it doing:
- Generate passwords for SFTP,DB and admin user
- Get the OctoberCMS licence key via sellenium script
- Create a GIT repository on GITLAB via API
- Create public database on Websupport (Slovak hosting provider) - I am use it also in my local enviroment, becouse my local and public test site is like mirror
- Create SFTP account on Websupport (Slovak hosting provider)
- Download octoberCMS via composer to the specified folder (for my case its
becouse im using laravel valet) - Set up the OctoberCMS product key
- Set up the .env file with the generated database, url, backend-uri, theme, and SMTP email account for testing
- Install octoberCMS (with everything setted up)
- Init git with setup the remote origin and push the initial commit to the gitlab
- migrate the project
- install my core octoberCMS plugins
- install npm with my core libraries
- copy my theme and other files (copy dir) with r-sync
- admin user for backend creation with the sellenium script
- git commit and push
- laravel mix watch becouse of installing another libraries
- print out all information and start coping gitignored files to the sftp account
- other files its automaticaly uploaded by the gitFTP-Deploy app which I used