Rainlab blog - how to save post programmatically?

I would like to create a post programmatically, save the following:
category (this where it’s more complex than simply creating an eloquent record)

Have looked through the docs but doesn’t seem to be anything on it … any help much appreciated!

Hi @trader47 ,

this is a CMS page code to create a new post. Modify it as you like or you can create separate plugin if you wish :slight_smile:

title = "Blog new article"
url = "/blog/new"
is_hidden = 1

    use RainLab\Blog\Models\Post as BlogPost;
    use RainLab\Blog\Models\Category as BlogCategory;

    function onStart()

        $blogCategory = BlogCategory::where('slug', 'webdesign')->first();

        $blogPost = new BlogPost();
        $blogPost->title = 'New blog post';
        $blogPost->slug = 'new-blog-post';
        $blogPost->content = 'This is a new blog post';
        $blogPost->published_at = new \DateTime();
        $blogPost->published = true;





PS: In $blogCategory I search for a category with a slug webdesign - change it to whatever you need.

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Thanks @jan-vince much appreciated!