Recordfinder with Tailor model in static block


How can I use recordfinder widget with tailor model?

    label: Coment
    type: recordfinder
    list: ~/plugins/rainlab/user/models/user/columns.yaml ?? what comes here instead???????
    recordsPerPage: 10
    title: Find a Comment
    nameFrom: title
    useRelation: false
    modelClass: RainLab\User\Models\User ?? what comes here instead?????

Thank you,

Hey @ngyzsolt.

Check this post. This may help: Tailor Entry with a relationship to the Model Rainlab/User

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Also, consider making your own content field for this:

Then register it as a rainlabuser type, which renders as a recordfinder and adds a comment_id column to the table.

    label: Comment
    type: rainlabuser

This file shows an example, although it is more complicated since it handles many different possibilities: modules/tailor/contentfields/EntriesField.php

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But there is no any relation. I would like to use this recondfinfer in a static block.

If I would like to find my own plugin’s record, it is working properly.

label: Report
type: recordfinder
list: ~/plugins/yuppi/annualreports/models/report/columns.yaml
recordsPerPage: 10
title: Find report
nameFrom: title
useRelation: false
modelClass: Yuppi\AnnualReports\Models\Report

Is there any example code, how to do this, or what are the steps if I have a tailor model, instead of own plugin model.


@daft are you planning to extend recordfinder plugin to work with new Tailor model?

Thank you,

What you have proposed will work, but save the related ID as a text field. It won’t generate a relationship at the model level. Tailor needs to know about the relationship type, which is programmed using a tailor content field (as mentioned).

Hopefully, this makes sense.