I have a catalog with relation to members and members have relation to categories.
1) Catalog item in "Catalog\Item"
2) Catalog categories in "Catalog\Category"
3) Catalog members in "Catalog\Member"
Catalog has multiple items and items has multiple members organised in categories. If it would be a blog, I actually want to categorize authors, not posts and categorisation of authors changes per post while authors names stays the same.
Example of theatre, where actors work in multiple acts and I would like to show them categorized in webpage per act.
Members: A, B, C
Act 1: Member A (category X), Member B (category X), Member C (category Y)
Act 1: Member B (Category X), Member A (category Y), Member C (category Z)
On front:
Act 1
Category X
- Member A
- Member B
Category Y
- Member C
Act 2
Is this possible with Tailor? I have been able to do the linking of members correctly in the backend. But how can I loop members of those categories and all the categories including members in the front with twig?
Code example can be seen here: OctoberCMS Catalog - Pastebin.com