Some Buttons give "Failed to launch because the scheme does not have a registered handler"

All of the buttons on my site are setup using the pagefinder field and nearly all are pointing to other static pages on the website. What is strange is some buttons cause this error:

But other buttons that are configured the exact same and are pointing to the same page don’t have any issues.
This button was also working fine, it seemed to break randomly.
Here is its definition:

<a href="{{ data.url }}" class="btn-get-started" {{ data.is_url_external ? 'target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"' : '' }} >{{ }}</a>

Here is its page-sections.yaml definition:

      label: Button Text
      type: text
      span: left
      comment: The text of the hero button.
      tab: Button
      label: Button Link
      comment: The page or website the button links to
      type: pagefinder
      span: full
      tab: Button
      label: Does URL link to an external website?
      type: checkbox
      default: false
      comment: If checked, the button link will open in a new tab.
      span: left
      tab: Button

What am I missing here?

I’m blind and stupid. I forgot to include the “|link” after the urls that weren’t working.

i.e. <a href=“{{ data.url|link }}”

Wait, but adding a static page link in a rich editor doesn’t work, I would have assumed it should?

This gives the same error, does not have a registered handler.

There must be something in my configuration I’m missing?

Here is some related documentation: Page Finder - October CMS - 3.x
It mentions |content filter for rich-text output.

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Snarky snarky :sweat_smile: I had been digging through documenation and couldn’t find it. Sorry I’m an idiot. Appreciate the help though.

Maybe it’s the heat out there… don’t worry, you’re doing fine.

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