But when I look at the list and have it descendingly sorting by Rank then 10 is the last entry. When I switch it down to 9 it becomes the top entry. The same happens when I use the sort by rank in a collection component.
I tried adding sortable: true but it didn’t help and I am not yet sure if this would be required or not.
I suspected that but this is not really ideal. Especially if there is no alternative(?). What field types are sortable? Ok I can use the alphabet but, no… A date also is just a hack.
You can create your own field, if you absolutely need it now
this override number to correct format in DB:
<?php namespace PluginAuthor\PluginName\ContentFields;
use Tailor\Classes\ContentFieldBase;
use October\Contracts\Element\FormElement;
use October\Contracts\Element\ListElement;
use October\Contracts\Element\FilterElement;
class Number extends ContentFieldBase
public function defineConfig(array $config) {}
public function defineFormField(FormElement $form, $context = null)
$form->addFormField($this->fieldName, $this->label)->useConfig($this->config);
public function defineListColumn(ListElement $list, $context = null)
$list->defineColumn($this->fieldName, $this->label)->displayAs('number');
public function defineFilterScope(FilterElement $filter, $context = null)
$filter->defineScope($this->fieldName, $this->label)->displayAs('number');
public function extendModelObject($model) {}
public function extendDatabaseTable($table)
then in Plugin.php
public function registerContentFields()
return [
\PluginAuthor\PLuginName\ContentFields\Number::class => 'number'
and don’t forget afterwards SAVE and MIGRATE your tailor blueprint
Thanks @mcore. We’ve added this for the upcoming 3.4 release. We still need to consider how to handle floats… perhaps a new field type would be needed.
Oh thanks, I keep that in mind in case I need this sometime. For now I have <10 elements so it will work with a string number. But for a start I like to keep my Framework untouched so that it is easily updatable.
@daft Yea numbers are tricky, but in general having whole numbers and floats is ok I think. Also many floats can be represented with integers. E.g. money by storing cents in the value and then recalculating it to a float with fixed decimals. Yet having a distinct difference of them is good to prevent any rounding errors.