Switching Tabs on Validation

Got a question about validation in the frontend. Right now, I have a custom dashboard that I built that has validation working on it. no issues there.

My issue is that I need a way to switch tabs when the field in question doesn’t meet specifications. For example. Field A is under Tab B. I’m on Tab C currently. The validation kicks in on Tab A saying that it needs filled, but it’s not switching.

I know October does it in the backend, and I have some ways of doing it. I’d like some feedback on how to do it the “October” way with AJAX functions.

October CMS does it like this in the backend panel:

addEventListener('ajax:invalid-field', function(event) {
    const { element, fieldName, errorMsg, isFirst } = event.detail;

    if (!isFirst) {


    // ... Find the tab from element and make it active ... 

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One last question. Does that exist in the frontend as well?

Not by default, the frontend is BYOT (bring your own tools/tech). However, you can implement this same code in the frontend. The only missing link is your tab implementation.

For example, this is how Bootstrap tabs recommend showing a tab programmatically:

var firstTabEl = document.querySelector('#myTab li:last-child a')
var firstTab = new bootstrap.Tab(firstTabEl)


You need to write code to go from the invalid field element to the tab element… Something like this – sorry I haven’t tested it!

// Vanilla JS
var pane = element.closest('.tab-pane'),
    container = document.querySelector('#mytabs'),
    tab = pane && container && container.querySelector('[data-target="' + pane.id + '"]');

if (tab) {
    new bootstrap.Tab(tab).show();

// jQuery
var container = $('#mytabs');
var pane = $(element).closest('.tab-pane')

var id = '#' + pane.attr('id'),
    tab = $('[data-target="' + id + '"]', container);


looks like that was the bit I needed! thank you.

addEventListener('ajax:invalid-field', function (event) {
            const { element, fieldName, errorMsg, isFirst } = event.detail;

            if (!isFirst) {


            var pane = element.closest('.tab-pane'),
                container = document.querySelector('#edit_rental_tabs'),
                tab = pane && container && container.querySelector('[data-bs-target="#' + pane.id + '"]');

            if (tab) {
                new bootstrap.Tab(tab).show();

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