Tailor Relations would need a search for large datasets

We’re using Tailor for some models and relations. We’ve a data type, which can have 1…n records linked (kind of categories). We’ll have lots of categories. Currently the relation controller for Tailor entries field opens a popup. This popup shows ALL entries available. There’s no search, filter, sort, pagination.

I guess adding all of that would be quite complex. But would it be possible to add an optional search field, to at least find entries?

Would be a feature request I guess. But I would use that very often then :slight_smile:

Just adding:

In the Tailor form (editing the model) the relation controller also displays ALL columns of the child record in the relation.

This results in a massive explosion of the relation controller widget. May a whitelist for columns would be a nice optional parameter :slight_smile:

I would like to avoid creating complex logics which hook into the EntryRecord and add magic to hide/display columns.

Hey @renick

Thanks for your post. The best way to get this looked at would be to contact the helpdesk with some blueprint examples that demonstrate the issue. I think the search is supported, however, perhaps not in the record finder field. So it is important to get a working example of your issue.

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