Translate system emails in multisite (not only settings)

Hello, i am using the multisite feature and I can’t find where to localise transactionnal emails like “password reset”.
I already have settled this feature 'backend_mail_setting' => true,.
I know where are the templates in the backend, I have tried to set a word, save and switch locale, etc, but the texts are always the same for all languages.

October : v3.6.8

Hey @Olivier

The RainLab Translate plugin supports translating mail templates

Thanks a lot @daft, I use this plugin (since a loooong time) and I didn’t know that feature :slight_smile:

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Hi guys, small mistake in the documentation. It shows instead of welcome-fr.htm. Took me a while to figure that out :wink:

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I have updated the docs, thanks @chocolata!

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