Turbo page loading question

I use turbo pages and lazy loading partial update.

My code sample:

public function onFetchItems()
    sleep(3); // for an example of getting a large amount of data

    // ...

{% if items %}
    // ...
{% else %}
    <div class="loader"> Loading the results... </div>

        data-request-update="{ _self: true }"
{% endif %}

When I visit the page, I see the product table for a split second and then the loader appears. It doesn’t look very nice. How can I fix this?

Screen record as a sample — Dropbox - Screen Recording 2024-12-06 at 10.49.28 AM.mov - Simplify your life

Right now I use this hack:

<div class="items" data-turbo-no-cache>
    {% ajaxPartial 'items/items-table' %}

addEventListener('page:before-cache', function() {
    document.querySelectorAll('[data-turbo-no-cache]').forEach(function(el) {
        el.innerHTML = '<div class="uk-padding-small">Loading the results...</div>';

I think we need to add a new option for ajaxPartial — disableCache or something like that, to prevent caching div-block while turbo router is set on. Or any another ideas?

The documentation covers this with the page:before-cache event, this is where you clean up the page and replace the product table with the loading spinner again, so when the snapshot is visited a second time, it will function the same.

Alternatively, disabling the snapshot cache for the entire page will have the same effect but be a bit slower to render the page. This is the most common way to solve it, and probably the recommended approach for simplicity…