User Plugin Updated to v3 - Another Big Step Forward

Good news!

We’ve just released a major update to our User Plugin for October CMS! This latest version introduces Laravel authentication, built-in two-factor authentication, and a user activity log.

This update is packed with everything you need to impress your clients. Dive into the details and see how these new features can streamline your site management. Upgrade now and modernize your site, with more updates to come!


nice, but tried to copy/paste from vanilla theme and “enabling” did nothing… :confused:
in backend there are no “switch” or something to enable/disable 2Fa or anything…

some kind of docs will be helpfull

Sorry, I’m not sure what needs to be documented.

2FA is included in the vanilla theme. A switch isn’t needed since if a user has not activated 2FA, then it can be considered disabled. To disable it from the whole site, remove the partial from the profile page.