[v2] How to extend and/or access the Rainlab Translate MLRichEditor?

Hi All,

We have a site that uses the mlricheditor, which is an extended version (I think) of the standard richeditor.

With the standard richeditor, we can do this:
jQuery.FroalaEditor.PLUGINS.cleanHtml = function (editor) { // code }
The code is based on this: Clean HTML Pasted into Froala · October CMS Tricks

The issue is that when we use the mlricheditor it does not work. I’m guessing rainlab named it something different? Tried jQuery.MLRichEditor, no dice.

Any ideas?


Hi @Jinjo ,

Check out the file located at formwidgets/mlricheditor/assets/js/mlricheditor.js.

Try this?

(function($) {
    // Define the cleanHtml plugin
    $.FroalaEditor.PLUGINS.cleanHtml = function(editor) {
        return {
            clean: function() {
                var html = editor.html.get();
                // Add your cleaning logic here
                // For example, stripping out unwanted tags

    // MLRichEditor implementation
    var MLRichEditor = function(element, options) {
        // Initialization logic...
        this.$richeditor = $('[data-control=richeditor]:first', this.$el);

        // Ensure FroalaEditor is initialized
        if (this.$richeditor.data('oc.richEditor')) {
            this.$richeditor.richEditor('events.on', 'contentChanged', function() {
                // Call cleanHtml when content changes

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