Websockets and singleton patterns

Has anyone worked with websockets?

I have been working, unsuccessfully, on a project to update views via websockets, but I haven’t been able to get the connected clients to communicate with each other.

The websocket server launches without any issues.

Websockets Server

 * Execute the console command.
 * @return void
public function handle()
    $server = IoServer::factory(
        new HttpServer(
            new WsServer(
                SocketClass::getInstance() //trying to use singleton approach 
    echo 'Running websocket server now...';

The client connection works fine and connects to the corresponding session.

	var socket = new WebSocket('ws://');

	socket.onopen = function(event) {
		console.log('Success connection');
			action: 'subscribe',
			event_id: currentEventId 			}));

The problem arises when executing a component function, which should, in addition to executing the logic of my project, send the notification to the clients. However, it creates a new instance despite my attempts to use the Singleton pattern

public function onMessageIt()
    //do my database work and business logic....

    // Sending update to websocket

    $wsHandler = SocketClass::getInstance(); //In this momment, a new instance is created 

    Log::debug("calling to bradcastUpdate. Instance ID: " . spl_object_id($wsHandler));  //yes, a new instance ID is created

    $wsHandler->broadcastUpdate(); //trying to sending the update to all clients


This is the websocket class

private function __construct()
    $this->clients = new \SplObjectStorage;

public static function getInstance()
    if (self::$instance === null) {
        self::$instance = new self();
    return self::$instance;

public function onOpen(ConnectionInterface $conn)

public function onMessage(ConnectionInterface $from, $msg)
    $data = json_decode($msg, true);

    if (isset($data['action']) && $data['action'] === 'subscribe') {
        $from->event_id = $data['event_id'];
    }  else {
            Log::debug("Unknown message from {$from->resourceId}: $msg")

public function onClose(ConnectionInterface $conn)

public function onError(ConnectionInterface $conn, \Exception $e)

public function broadcastUpdate($eventId)
    Log::debug("Broadcasting for : " . count($this->clients)); //this is always one, because in this point, each client is working with it's own connection

    $totalClients = count($this->clients); 

I have tried to manage it using the Singleton documentation, but I don’t fully understand how the generation and reuse of a class works.

Thanks all for your help

Here is how singletons are registered in OctoberCMS:

Inside the plugin registration file

public function register()
    $this->app->singleton('system.plugins', \System\Classes\PluginManager::class);

Inside the class

<?php namespace System\Classes

class PluginManager
    public static function instance(): static
        return App::make('system.plugins');