October CMS Tailor Starter

Few more things! In the latest version (v6.3.5) We now have the following options

  • Custom Form Field Validation (via regex and custom validation rules)
  • Global Search and Search Blocks (with search inside content blocks)
  • Image Upload Support for Forms
  • Customization for the Navbar and footer (thanks @chris!)
  • final polishes on the code

I consider it stable now to use for any theme. Thank you everyone who has downloaded and contributed

special thanks to @chris and @Torsten for helping out!


brilliant work! thanks devin


This is top quality work! Thank you so much!
I was wondering if there was a possibility to put products with subscription. It would be really interesting to complete the functionalities… Or maybe it’s already possible and I haven’t found it?

Hey Cyan! So unfortunately, I don’t have the time to create a subscription based model, BUT, there is a simple way with stripe. Check out their documentation on how to create a subscription programmatically.

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